Help students struggling with dyslexia by supporting Brent Sopel Foundation

July 13, 2019

The Brent Sopel Foundation provides funds to address the needs of students with dyslexia. Students whose families do not have the financial resources to pay for interventions receive services at no cost.  Thanks to our initial group of donors for making this possible.

There are many ways to support the Brent Sopel Foundation​

  • Create a Scholarship named for a loved one

  • Consider a planned giving gift

  • Create a scholarships to support students located in specific city or school district​

  • Go to the Donate Now button to donate

  • Send a check to: Brent Sopel Foundation, 820 N. Ridge Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5348

For more information about supporting students with Dyslexia, please complete the information on the Contact Us page and a representative will get back to you within 1 business day.


Raffle Success!


Brent Sopel Visits Lawmakers in Washington D.C. for Dyslexia Panel