Less than 20% of the people we have spoken to understand dyslexia as it should be understood.

Unraveling dyslexia understanding to help others grasp its complexity and impact.

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability or disorder that affects your ability to read, decode words, spell, write, and speak.

Dyslexia isn’t linked to intelligence or IQ (Einstein was dyslexic), but without the appropriate educational support, dyslexic people often struggle in school.

The result: Reduced career opportunities, social isolation, and a lower satisfaction in all areas of life.

However, with early detection and diagnosis, dyslexics can receive appropriate interventions that will enable them to become successful readers and writers.

We share our story, because you are not alone.

No voice remains unheard, including our own.

As part of our awareness journey, we are heavily working on bringing stories from all across the world to life, and debunking dyslexia.